
小麦返白系及其相关材料的苗期叶绿体基因组表达谱分析 被引量:5

Expression Profiles of Chloroplast Genome in Wheat Seedlings of Albinism Strain and Related Materials
摘要 小麦返白系是源于冬小麦矮变1号的自然突变株系,表现为低温诱导的自心叶开始白化的现象,该性状受核基因与细胞质基因的共同调控。为了进一步揭示小麦返白系叶片白化的分子机制,采用半定量RT-PCR方法,对返白系、白化转育小麦及对照材料的苗期心叶与展开叶的叶绿体基因表达谱进行比较分析。结果表明,在105个小麦叶绿体基因中,有50个基因在不同小麦材料和组织中表达水平基本一致,有55个基因的表达在材料间表现出差异。在展开叶与心叶组织间表达有差异的基因有39个,在白化材料与对照材料间表达有差异的基因有33个,在冬小麦与春小麦中国春间表达有差异的基因有36个,差异基因主要包括tRNA、核糖体大小亚基蛋白编码基因,参与光合系统组装和Cytb6f复合体的有关基因,以及NADH-脱氢酶亚基基因。上述结果揭示叶片发育阶段、白化现象,以及小麦的冬春特性都会调控小麦叶绿体基因的表达。 Wheat albino strain is a natural mutant from dwarf wheat Aibian 1,it shows the stage albinism phenomena from interior leaves to total aerial parts,and needs continued low temperature conditions.This character is controlled by both nuclear and cytoplasm factors.In order to study the expression alteration of chloroplast genes in different wheat materials and development stages,and to reveal the molecular mechanism of albinism leaves,we compared the chloroplast genes expression profiles of interior and expanding leaves of albinism strain,albinio transformed wheat and control wheat materials using semi-quantitative RT-PCR.The results indicated that,50 chloroplast genes among 105 chloroplast genes had basically the same expression level in different materials,and 55 genes showed significant differences.39 genes expressed differently between interior and expanding leaves,33 genes expressed differently between albinism strain and control material,and 36 genes expressed differently between winter wheat and spring wheat were identified.It was concluded that the chloroplast genes expression could be regulated by the leaf growth stage,albino phenomena,as well as winter and spring habits of wheat.This will make a basis to the further investigation on wheat chloroplast genes expression regulation and be useful to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of wheat albino phenomena.
出处 《麦类作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期621-629,共9页 Journal of Triticeae Crops
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30971769) 西北农林科技大学基本科研业务专项基金青年科学基金项目(QN2009071)
关键词 小麦返白系 小麦幼苗 叶绿体基因组 半定量RT-PCR Wheat albino strain Wheat seedlings Chloroplast genome Semi quantitative RT-PCR
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