
基于动态属性的数字签名方案 被引量:3

Dynamic attribute-based signature scheme
摘要 基于属性的数字签名方案能很好地实现用户身份的隐藏。但所提出的签名方案中,用户属性都是静态的,当系统中的成员属性发生变更后,没有相应的修改机制,需要重新分配属性密钥,这将为系统增添极大负担。在实际应用中存在问题。基于条件加密的思想,设计了一个具有动态属性的数字签名方案,该方案能在该用户满足某属性后,由认证方给用户提供签名,并让用户自行计算其属性密钥。对签名方案的安全性进行了讨论。 The user's privacy can be well protected using attribute-based signature scheme. But the attributes are static in all attribute-based signature schemes, which are due to certain problems in practical applications : when the member' s attribute has been changed, there is no corresponding mechanism to re-assign the attributes key, which will cause tremendous burden. Based on conditions-based encryption, this paper develops a dynamic attribute-based signature scheme. User is allowed to calculate its own attributes key in the scheme once it satisfies certain attribute after the authenticating party' s digital signature is given. The security of the scheme is discussed.
作者 邓宇乔
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第15期19-22,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 广东省自然科学基金(No.S2012010010376) 广东省育苗项目(No.LYM11068)
关键词 属性签名 条件加密 动态 双线性对 attribute signature scheme conditions encryption scheme dynamic bilinear pairings
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