

Strategy of Data Recovery for Three Collapsed Disks Under Odd Parity
摘要 灾难发生的后果可能导致数据中心存储系统中的多个数据盘同时崩溃,如果采用镜像式备份,极有可能导致数据无法恢复.而采用基于奇校验的冗余技术,在确保所有磁盘被操作概率相同的情况下,既可以对一个或者两个崩溃的数据盘进行数据恢复,也可以对三个或三个以上同时崩溃的数据盘进行数据恢复. Some disaster may result in the simultaneous collapse of multiple data disks on the data center storage system. If a mirror backup was used, it would be highly likely that the data cannot be recovered. But if the redundancy technology, based on the odd parity, is used, and it has been ensured that all disks have equal probability of operation, then not only can the technology recover the data of one or two collapsed data disks, but it can also recover the data of three or more simultaneously collapsed data disks.
作者 张华 冯凯平
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2013年第8期151-154,共4页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 奇校验 数据盘 冗余技术 崩溃 数据恢复 odd parity data disk redundancy technology collapse data recovery
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