
埃塞俄比亚民族关系与民族治理研究 被引量:9

Ethiopian Ethnic Relations and Ethnic Governance Studies
摘要 民族关系和民族治理模式是影响世界多民族国家稳定和发展的重要因素。埃塞俄比亚民族众多,民族关系错综复杂,在非洲国家中具有相当的典型性。历史上,埃塞民族摩擦和冲突频繁。现阶段,该国民族关系整体上较为平稳和谐,各民族在经济发展利益方面的诉求和竞争成为民族关系的最主要问题。埃塞的民族治理方式亦经历了复杂的历史演变过程:从帝制时代的"专制同化",到军政府时期的"民族识别"和"民族区域自治",再到梅莱斯时代的"民族联邦制",当前则处于"后梅莱斯时代"各种复杂"变因"交互作用的关键时期。整体来看,埃塞政府在民族治理理念和政策方面的变革是进步性的——逐渐由狭隘、反动和落后走向宽容、积极和进步。尤其是现行的"民族联邦制",在民族差异化发展、实行民族分权与如何有效控制与防止分离主义挑战方面,极富参考借鉴价值。透过埃塞民族个案,我们应重新审视非洲民族研究的重要价值,客观看待与国际学术界存在的差异与差距,努力探索非洲民族研究的"中国范式"。 Ethnic relations and ethnic governance mode are crucial to the sta- bility and development of multi - ethnic countries all over the world. Ethiopia, with its multi- ethnicities, complex ethnic relations as well as ethnic frictions and con- flicts in history, typically features African ethnicity. Within such a context, Ethiopia underwent different ethnic governance experiences ranging from hegemonic assimila- tion in the imperial era to period, and then to the ethnic identification and regional autonomy during the Derg ethnic federalism implemented by the Meles administra- But now Ethiopia in post - Meles era encounters so many complicated cause var- iations that may interactively affect the continuity of the current ethnic policy. To a large extent, Ethiopian ethnic governance concept and policy transformation are pro- gressive, that is, gradually eliminating biased partiality and hosting tolerance and constructiveness. In particular, the current ethnic federalism is of great significance to deal with challenges from ethnic differentiated development, ethnic decentraliza- tion and control and prevention of separatist. As a whole, with analysis of Ethiopian ethnicities, we need to objectively reflect on the gap of China' s African ethnic studies against those of the international academia, and try to explore a new kind of "Chinese paradigm" of studying African ethnic issues. Conducting fieldwork and eth- nographic studies in Africa with a reference to China' s experience of ethnic studies will significantly strengthen China - Africa friendship and cooperation from cultural perspective.
作者 施琳 牛忠光
出处 《西亚非洲》 北大核心 2013年第4期19-34,共16页 West Asia and Africa
基金 2013年中非联合研究交流计划中的学术交流项目“非洲部族、民族关系调查与比较分析”(JL201312)的支持
关键词 民族关系 民族治理 埃塞俄比亚 非洲 Ethnic Relations Ethnic Governance Ethiopia Africa
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