
非洲边界和领土争端解决模式的新发展——以巴卡西半岛争端及其解决为例 被引量:2

The New Settlement Pattern of the African Boundary and Territorial Disputes——The Case of the Bakassi Peninsula Dispute and Its Settlement
摘要 自20世纪60年代大批非洲国家获得民族独立以来,边界和领土争端一直是影响非洲和平与稳定、困扰非洲安全与发展的一个重要问题。在过去的半个多世纪中,非洲大陆经历了战争、外交谈判和提交国际法院裁决3种边界和领土争端解决模式,取得了不同的效果。由于历史和现实因素的交织,尼日利亚和喀麦隆两国曾就巴卡西半岛的主权归属进行了数十年的争夺。2002年国际法院的判决及其后联合国秘书长为促进法院判决的执行而进行的积极斡旋和调解,充分表明司法裁决与外交斡旋相结合有助于推动国家间边界和领土争端的彻底和平解决,是对非洲边界和领土争端和平解决模式的一种新发展。 From a large number of African countries' independence in the 1960s, boundary and territorial disputes is an important problem that influences Mri- can peace, stability and development. In the past over half a century, the African continent practiced three patterns that are war, diplomatic negotiation and ruling of the International Court of Justice for the boundary and territorial disputes settle- ment. Because of historical and practical factors, the dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon over the Bakassi Peninsula lasted for several decades. The adjudication of the ICJ over the Bakassi Peninsula and the UN Secretary General' s vigorous mediate facilitated the execution of the ICJ' s ruling. The peaceful settlement of the Bakassi Peninsula Dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon indicated that adjudication of the ICJ accompanied by diplomatic mediate is another new peaceful solving pattern for the Mrican boundary and territorial disputes.
作者 关培凤
出处 《西亚非洲》 北大核心 2013年第4期89-102,共14页 West Asia and Africa
基金 国家社科基金项目"非洲边界和领土争端解决模式研究"(12CGJ012)的资助
关键词 非洲国际关系 边界和领土争端 巴卡西半岛 国际法院 African International Relations Boundary and Territorial Dis-putes Bakassi Peninsula International Court of Justice
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  • 1夏吉生:《非洲边界问题产生的原因及解决的原则》,载《中国国际法年刊》,北京:中国对外翻译出版公司1984年版.
  • 2Saadia Touval, "The Organization of African Unity and African Borders", International Organization, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1967, p. 124.
  • 3顾章义.非洲国家边界问题初探[J].西亚非洲,1984(3):19-26. 被引量:7
  • 4Peter Calvert, Border and Territorial Disputes of the World, London : John Harper Publishing, 2004, p. 3.
  • 5Peter Calvert, Border and Territorial Disputes of the World, London : John Harper Publishing, 2004, p4-5.
  • 6Preliminary Objections of the Federal Republic of Nigeria : Introduction, para. 17, http : //www. icj - cij. org/docket/files/94/8598, pdf, 2011 -01 -16.
  • 7Francis Nguendi Ikome, "The Inviolability of Africa' s Colonial Boundaries: Lessons from the Came- roon - Nigeria Border Conflict", http : //www. igd. org. za/jdownloads/Occasional% 20Papers/igd_ occasional_ paper_ 47. pdf, 2011 -07 -22.
  • 8Nowa Omoigui, The Bakassi Story, http: //www. omoigui, com/2004/Og/strongthe_ bakas, html, 2010 - 08 - 12.
  • 9Francis Menjo Baye, "Implications of the Bakassi Conflict Resolution for Cameroon", African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2010, p. 20.
  • 10Nowa Omoigui, op. cit..












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