
中美农产品加工业发展比较研究 被引量:10

A Comparative Study on Agricultural Products Processing Industry of China and America
摘要 中国农产品加工业经过几十年的高速发展,其规模和盈利能力已经超过美国,但是就加工深度、劳动生产率以及能耗强度而言仍然与美国有着较大的差距,从而可以看到中国的农产品加工业仍属于粗放式的发展;从产业结构和产业组织形式对中美两国农产品加工业发展水平存在差异的原因进行解释,为中国农产品加工业进行产业升级转型提供参考依据。 This paper compared the scale, development speed and level of agricultural product processing indus- try in China and United States. After decades of rapid development, the scale and profitability of agricultural product processing industry in China has surpassed the United States, but the processing depth, labor productivity and energy intensity still has a large gap with it. So we have a conclusion that Chinese agricultural product pro- cessing industry still belongs to the extensive development stage. Then we explained the reason of this difference from industrial structure and forms of industrial organization. Last, this paper provided a reference for industrial upgrading and restructuring of China's agricultural product processing industry.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期74-79,共6页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.70973126) 农业部委托课题“中美农业发展比较与合作前景展望”的资助
关键词 发展水平比较 产业结构 发展模式 Development Level, Industrial Organization, Development Model
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