传统机械硬盘由于其本身硬件架构和物理特性的限制,导致它在读写速度、噪音、温度控制和防震性能等方面难以有突破性的发展;SSD(Solid State Disk固态硬盘)采用电子存储介质进行数据存储和读取,突破了传统机械硬盘的性能瓶颈;在ATA-6协议分析的基础上,设计了基于FPGA固态硬盘ATA接口的总体框架、硬件设计和协议设计;研究ATA协议的PIO与DMA时序,通过仿真软件Modelsim对数据传输过程进行仿真,验证了ATA协议在固态硬盘中应用的正确性。
Traditional mechanical hard driver, for its hardware architecture and restrictions of physical characteristics, is difficult to devel- op its reading and writing speed, noise and temperature control. SSD (Solid State Disk) adopts electronic storage media for data storage and access, therefor break through the performance bottleneck of traditional mechanical hard. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the ATA--6 protocol, designs framework, hardware modules and protocol modules of SSD hard drive on FPGA. This paper researched PIO and DMA timing of ATA protocol. By simulating the data transfer process through simulation software called Modelsim, it verified the ATA protocol correctness in the application of solid--state hard drive.
Computer Measurement &Control