L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution is not a book on the French Revolution written in the classical way we are familiar with,in which the author Alexis de Tocqueville,viewing from perspectives of an aristocratic liberal,made plenty of original observations about the historical connections in terms of political culture between the Old Regime and the French Revolution.This article,based on the four core concepts frequently used in the book,such as the Old Regime,the French Revolution,the centralization,and the political liberty, explored Tocqueville's fundamental ideas in answering the central question of his work "How did the Old Regime generate the Revolution",which had been reorganized in three aspects as follows:the growing and social consequences of the jealousy and hostility under the Old Regime,the rising and flooding of the literary politics,and the self-destroying effect of the royal government's administrative centralization.The most conspicuous feature of the book,according to this article,might consist in that it suggested for the first time some possible ways in avoiding revolutions during the course of modernization.
Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions