It is reported that the polyester fiber and nylon industries give a poorer performance; the acrylic fiber industry is better than any other years; the viscose staple fiber saw a good performance in the first two months of the year but a narrow profit in March; the spandex industry has enjoyed some improvement thanks to the successful destocking. ~ Output During the first quarter of this year, China's chemical fiber output suffered a distinct dropping. From January to February of 2013, the chemical fibers saw an output of 5,929,500 tons, an increase of only 3.68% year on year, while the growth rate is 11.59 percentage points lower than the same period of last year and 7.52 percentage points lower than the whole year of 2012. Among them, spandex saw a substantial growth of 63.87% in output with much higher growth rates than the same period of last year and the year of 2012. (Chart 1) During the first three months of 2013, chemical fibers saw an output of 9,314,900 tons with an increase of 5.53% year on year, somewhat upswing
<正>Recently,China's Chemical Fibers Association has just released the status quo of the chemical fiber industry in the first quarter of 2013,telling a very grim situation that the overall operation of the industry did not enjoy the improving trend of the fourth quarter in last year;