

Research Progress of Climate Model
摘要 首先介绍了气候模式的发展历史、基本结构及其组成成分之间的耦合,然后阐述了大气环流模式、海洋环流模式、海冰模式和陆地表面模式,并依次介绍了零维模式、辐射对流模式、较高维模式、中度复杂的地球系统模式、全球气候模式以及区域气候模式,最后对气候模式的未来发展做了概括与论述,并针对其存在的不足提出了相关的建议和发展目标。 The development history, basic structure, coupling among components of climate mode was introduced firstly. Then, the atmos- pheric general circulation model, ocean general circulation model, sea-ice model, land surface model, zero-dimensional model, radiative-con- vective model, higher dimension model, EMICs (earth-system model of intermediate complexity), GCMs (global climate model or general cir- culation models) and RegCM(regional climate model) were elaborated. Finally, the future development of climate mode was discussed, ai- ming at the shortcomings, relevant suggestions and targets were put forward.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第13期5867-5871,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 气候模式 基本结构 纵向发展 未来气候模式 Climate mode Basic structure Vertical development Future climate mode
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