对不同灌水量条件下塔克拉玛干沙漠公路防护林带土壤水分与植物液流速率的时空变化进行了动态测定与分析。结果表明,①在35.0、24.5和14.0 kg/(株·次)的灌水量下,土壤水分活跃层分别为0~200、0~160和0~100 cm。活跃层土壤水分的季节差异明显,各处理都是10月份最高,8月份最低。同一灌溉周期内不同处理下均是0~60 cm之间的土壤水分波动最大的,且灌溉量越大,土壤水分波动越大。②各个处理下植物的液流速率在灌溉后第3、15、25天都呈现出双峰型曲线,此时土壤水分分别维持在2.6%~5.0%、2.0%~3.4%和1.00%~1.98%,而且植物的液流速率随着土壤水分的减少而降低。
The temporal and spatial variation of soil moisture and plant flow rate in the Taklimakan Desert Highway shelterbelt was studied. The results showed that: (1) Under 35.0, 24.5 and 14.0 kg/( plant · once) irrigation, the depth of soil that soil moisture changed are 0 - 200, 0 - 160 and 0 - 100 cm respectively. Seasonal difference of the active layer soil moisture is significant, and the highest in October, low- est in August. The largest fluctuation of soil moisture is in 0 - 60 em under different treatments in the same irrigation cycle, and irrigation a- mount is larger, the larger the fluctuation of soil moisture. (2) Irrigation after the 3rd, 15th and 25th day, the steam sap flow of the three treat- ment plants were double-peaked curve, and soil moisture of three treatments was maintained at 2.6% to 5.0%, 2.0% to 3.4% and 1.00% to 1.98% respectively, sap flow rate decreased with the soil moisture decreasing.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences