目的探讨丹参酮对急性肺损伤(ALI)大鼠肺组织的保护作用及其可能机制。方法 45只健康雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为对照组(NS组)、急性肺损伤组(LPS组)、丹参酮IIA磺酸钠干预组(STS组),LPS组和STS组通过股静脉注射LPS(5 mg/kg)建立急性肺损伤模型。STS组在注射LPS前30 min静脉给药10mg/kg,NS组和LPS组给予等量NS。分别在6 h、12 h、24 h三个时间点活杀大鼠,检测血气分析、肺组织湿/干重比(W/D)、HE染色、采用酶联免疫吸附分析法检测各时相点大鼠血浆中肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-10(IL-10)浓度。结果与LPS组相比,STS组急性肺损伤的程度明显减轻,PaO2显著改善(P<0.05),肺W/D比值降低(P<0.05),HE染色显示肺组织损伤减轻。STS组血浆TNF-α、IL-6浓度较LPS组相应时相点显著下降,而IL-10浓度明显升高,高峰提前(P<0.05)。结论丹参酮对AL I大鼠肺组织具有一定的保护作用,其机制可能是抑制了TNF-α、IL-6的释放,增加IL-10的释放,使促炎-抗炎平衡,减轻肺部及全身的炎性反应。
Objective To investigate the effect of sodium tanshinone sulphonate IIA on acute lung injury and its mechanism.Methods Forty-five male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups,including control group(NS group),acute lung injury group(LPS group) and sodium tanshinone sulphonate IIA group(STS group).The rats in LPS and STS groups were intravenously injected with LPS(5 mg / kg) to establish the ALl mode1.STS group was treated with STS(10mg / kg) before LPS,whereas NS group and LPS group were given equivalent volume normal saline.At 6,12,24h after ALI,which were divided into subgroup I、II、III,arterial blood gas analysis,lung tissue wet / dry weight ratio,lung histopathological changes were observed;TNF-α,IL-6and IL-10 were measured with ELISA.Results Compared with LPS group,PaO2 in STS group were significantly increased,whereas the ratio of wet / dry weight were decreased(P 0.05).The grading of pathologic damage of lung tissue was attenuated greatly.The level of TNF-α,IL-6 at 6,12 and 24h in STS group were significantly lower and the level of IL-10 was higher than that in ALI group(P 0.05).Conclusions The results suggested that sodium tanshinone sulphonate IIA may be useful in treating acute lung injury,whose mechanisms may decrease the expression of TNF-α、IL-6 and increase the expression of IL-10,as a result re-balance cytokines.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Healthcare