
500A MeV ^(56)Fe诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生 被引量:2

Production of Slow Particles in 500A MeV ^(56)Fe Induced Emulsion Interaction
摘要 本文对500A MeV56Fe诱发乳胶核反应慢粒子产生进行研究。实验结果表明,黑径迹粒子、灰径迹粒子和重电离粒子平均多重数随靶核增大而增加;黑径迹粒子平均多重数与入射能量无关,灰径迹粒子平均多重数随入射能量增加而增加;灰径迹粒子和重电离粒子平均多重数随黑径迹粒子数的增加而增加;重电离粒子平均多重数随灰径迹粒子数的增加而增加,而黑径迹粒子平均多重数随灰径迹粒子数的增加先增加后趋于饱和;灰径迹粒子平均多重数随重电离粒子数的增加而增加,而黑径迹粒子平均多重数随重电离粒子数的增加先增加后趋于饱和。 The production of slow particles in 500A MeV 56Fe induced emulsion interaction was investigated.The experimental results show that the average multiplicities of black track,grey track and slow particles increase with the target size.The average multiplicity of grey track particles increases with the incident energy,but average multiplicity of black track particles has no dependence on the incident energy.The average multiplicities of grey track slow particles increase with the number of black track particles.The average multiplicity of slow particles increases with the number of grey track particles,but average multiplicity of black track particles increases with the number of grey track particles and then saturates.The average multiplicity of grey track particles increases with the number of slow particles,but average multiplicity of black track particles increases with the number of heavily ionized track particles and then saturates.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期907-910,共4页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10675077 10975095 11075100) 山西省自然科学基金资助项目(2008011005 2011011001-2) 山西省留学回国人员科研资助项目(2011-058) 山西省软科学资助项目(2012041065-03)
关键词 核乳胶 慢粒子 多重数分布 关联 nuclear emulsion slow particle multiplicity distribution correlation
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