
6-(4-甲基苯氧基)-5,12-萘并萘醌的合成与光致变色性质 被引量:1

Synthesis and Photochromic Properties of 6-(4-Methylphenoxy)-5,12-naphthacenequinone
摘要 以6-氯-5,12-萘并萘醌为起始原料,合成了6-(4-甲基苯氧基)-5,12-萘并萘醌,通过元素分析、IR、1H NMR和EIMS对其结构进行了表征。研究表明:6-(4-甲基苯氧基)-5,12-萘并萘醌可以发生类似于苯氧基萘并萘醌的光异构化反应,trans-form的最大吸收峰出现在396 nm处,而ana-form在453 nm和482 nm处显示出特征双峰,并且在341、365和406 nm处有三个等吸光点。 6 - (4 - Methylphenoxy) - 5,12 - naphthacenequinone was synthesized using 6 - chloro - 5,12 - naph- thacenequinone as the starting material and its structure was confirmed using elemental analysis and the IR, ^1H NMR and MS spectra. The compound exhibited the similar photoisomerization performance with that of phenoxynaphthacenequinone. The trans - form had an absorption maximum at 396 nm, while the trans - form had two large absorption maxima at 453 nm and 482 nm. Three isosbestic points were observed at 341 nm, 365 nm and 406 nm, respectively.
作者 蒋蕻
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2013年第14期96-97,共2页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
基金 南京化工职业技术学院科研项目(NHKY-2013-8)
关键词 6-(4-甲基苯氧基)-5 12-萘并萘醌 合成 光致变色 phenoxynaphthacenequinone derivatives synthesis photochromism
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