
战略人力资源管理“黑箱”机理研究溯源、现状述评与未来展望 被引量:13

The Research of Black Box Mechanism of SHRM:Origins,a Review of Current Literature and Prospects
摘要 与传统人力资源管理(HRM)不同,战略人力资源管理(SHRM)关注组织层面绩效而非员工个体绩效,强调HRM活动的系统性作用而非单一HRM活动。本文对SHRM研究的核心问题——HRM与组织绩效之间"黑箱"机理问题研究的由来和现状进行了介绍,分析了现有研究存在的主要问题,并对未来研究方向进行了展望,旨在为后续研究提供导引。 Different from traditional human resource management (HRM), strategic human resource management (SHRM) focuses on organizational performance rather than individual performance and places emphasis on the systematic role of HRM activities rather than single HRM activity. This paper introduces the origins and current situation of the study of the black box mechanism between HRM and organizational per- formance as the core issue of SHRM research, analyzes the main problems of current research, and makes fu- ture prospects to provide the guidance for successive studies.
作者 寇跃 贾志永
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期43-53,共11页 Foreign Economics & Management
关键词 人力资源(HR) 人力资源管理(HRM) 战略人力资源管理(SHRM) 组织绩效 黑箱 human resource~ human resource management~ strategic human resource manage-ment~ organizational performance~ black box
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