[目的]应用Ames试验研究纳米二氧化钛和纳米氧化锌的潜在致突变性,并比较纳米与超细二氧化钛和氧化锌颗粒的致突变性差异。[方法]采用Ames试验平板掺入法,选用TA97、TA98、TA100、TA102标准测试菌株,分别计数不加S9和加S9体外代谢情况下这4种菌株分别在超细颗粒和纳米级二氧化钛和氧化锌5个不同浓度下的回变菌落数。[结果]超细与纳米二氧化钛颗粒在5、10、20、100、500 ug/皿,超细和纳米氧化锌颗粒在5、10、25、50、100 ug/皿剂量下均未引起测试菌株回变菌落数的明显增加,Ames试验结果均为阴性。[结论]在本实验条件下,纳米和超细粒径的二氧化钛和氧化锌颗粒在实验剂量范围内均未显示致突变性。
[Objective] To explore the potential mutagenic effects of two photocatalytic nanomaterials: nano TiO2 and nano ZnO particles by using Ames assays, and compare the mutagenic effect of nano/micro- TiO2 and ZnO particles. [Methods] In the plate incorporation test of Salmonella typhimurium, the standard tester strains of TA97, TA98, TA100, TA102 were used. 5 concentrations of the test samples were set in the testing and $9 mixture was added to the plate as the activation system. [Results] The colony number of revertants for the nano/micro zinc oxide and titanium dioxide particles tested were not increased with statistical significance, compared with that of spontaneous revertants. The results of Ames test for the two kinds of nano/micro particles were negative. [Conclusion] The two kinds photocatalytic nanomterials tested did not show potential mutagenicity under our experimental conditions.
Journal of Inspection and Quarantine