甘肃省油页岩成矿条件良好,资源丰富,已发现矿产地11处,探明储量39 171.7万t,保有储量30 433万t。油页岩主要分布在陇东地区、民和盆地、西秦岭地区和北山地区,主要赋存于侏罗纪煤系地层、三叠系及白垩系地层中。从现有资料来看,甘肃省油页岩资源潜力大,层位稳定,油页岩质量符合工业指标要求,但地质勘查工作程度低,通过进一步的勘查有望扩大资源量和提高勘查程度,有望在近期内取得油页岩勘查的突破。
The geological factors are superior to the oil shale mineralization in the Gansu region. The oil shale source is relatively rich, and eleven deposits, with the total 391717 kilotons of discovered reserves and 304330 kilotons of recoverable reserves, have been explored in the Gansu region. The oil shale deposits are largely discovered in the east of Liupanshan area, Minhe basin, West Qinling area as well as the Beishan area. The oil shale beds are normally interbedded into the coal-bearing strata of the Jurassic and the strata of the Triassic and Cretaceous. From the previous literatures and the documents, the potential resource of the oil shale in the Gansu region is prospective, and the occurrence of the oil shale is steady in the strata, as well as with the better quality. However, the geological exploration is relatively lesser attention. It is hopefully to expand the total oil shale reserves if the more geological exploration will have been carried out in the future.
Gansu Geology
oil shale
exploration nature
potential resource
Gansu Province