Chinese Remedies & Clinics
1Sahoo TK,Chauhan S, Sahu M,et al. Effects of hemodilution on outcome after modified Blalock-Taussig shunt operation in chil- dren with cyanotic congenital heart disease. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth,2007,21 (2) : 179-183.
2Williams JA,Bansal AK,Kim BJ,et al. Two thousand Blalock- Taussig shunts: a six-decade experience. Ann Thorac Surg, 2007,84: 2070-2075.
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4Alkhulaifi AM,Lacour-Gayet F,Serraf A,et al. Systemic pul- monary shunts in neonates: early clinical outcome and choice of surgical approach. Ann Thorac Surg,2000,69:1499-1504.
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3Williams JA, Bansal AK, Kim BJ, et al. Two thousand Blalock- Taussig shunts:a six-decade experience. Ann Thorac Surg, 2007,84 : 2070-2075.
4Mohammadi S, Benhameid O, Campbell A, et al. Could we still improve early and interim outcome after prosthetic systemic-pul- monary shunt? A risk factors analysis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2008,34 : 545-549.
5Ahmad U, Fatimi SH, Naqvi I, et al. Modified Blalock-Taussig shtmt:mmediate and short-term follow-up results in neonates. Heart Lung, 2008,17 : 54-58.
6Alkhulaifi AM, Lacour-Gayet F, Serraf A, et al. Systemic pul- monary shunts in neonates: early clinical outcome and choice of surgical approach. Ann Thorac Surg, 2000,69 : 1499-1504.
7O'Connor MJ, Ravishankar C, Ballweg JA, et al. Early sys- temic-to-pulmonary artery shunt intervention in neonate with congenital heart diseasee.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2011,142: 106-112.
8Mumataz MA, Rosenthal G, Qureshi A, et al. Melboume shunt promotes growth of diminutive central pulmonary arteries in pa- tients with pulmonary atresia, ventficular septal defect, and sys- temic-to-pulmonary collateral arteries. Ann Thorac Surg, 2008,85 : 2079-2083.
9王盛宇,孙英民,赵铁夫,高宇翔,刘巍,陈雷.体肺循环分流术在法洛四联症外科治疗的应用[J].中国心血管病研究,2009,7(2):117-119. 被引量:5
10卫向阳,孙英民,张军,郭小峰,常超.体肺分流术在治疗肺血减少型先天性心脏病中的应用评价[J].临床外科杂志,2011,19(8):556-557. 被引量:2
1张继红,汪晓蜜,吴社谋.超声心动图评估肺血减少型先心患儿双向腔肺动脉分流术前后肺血管发育情况的临床价值[J].西部医学,2014,26(12):1689-1691. 被引量:2
2韩宏光,王辉山,李晓密,徐莉莹,孟庆涛,张晓慧,张春振,都业君.降低复杂发绀型先天性心脏病体-肺动脉分流术后早期死亡率的探讨[J].中国心血管病研究,2015,13(4):311-315. 被引量:1
1漆秦,席晓,李锋华,许成,廉秋芳.MSCT在评估双向格林手术治疗先天性心脏病的临床价值[J].中国CT和MRI杂志,2016,14(9):47-49. 被引量:9
2董向阳.介入技术联合外科手术在复杂先天性心脏病患者中的疗效观察[J].社区医学杂志,2018,16(10):43-45. 被引量:3
3罗秀琼,任云霞,弋坤,翟天祺.改良呼吸道管理对先天性心脏病患儿术后康复进程的影响[J].实用医院临床杂志,2019,16(2):153-156. 被引量:7
1杨琦(综述),徐卓明(审校).体肺分流术在先天性心脏病治疗中的应用进展[J].国际儿科学杂志,2009,36(5):461-463. 被引量:2
3谌启辉,王平凡,彭帮田,白希玲,李永武,刘志永.重症法洛四联症分期手术的研究[J].医药论坛杂志,2008,29(12):41-42. 被引量:1
5刘志永,王平凡,彭帮田,谌启辉.法洛四联症329例外科治疗体会[J].医药论坛杂志,2012,33(8):59-61. 被引量:1
6蒋连勇,丁芳宝,张俊文,黄健兵,刘浩,吴淑彬,梅举.改良B-T分流术治疗复杂先天性心脏病的临床效果[J].中国胸心血管外科临床杂志,2015,22(6):554-559. 被引量:2
8林秀霞,韩涛,杜肖红,赵承.13例复杂先天性心脏病新生儿的术后监护[J].福建医药杂志,2016,38(1):141-142. 被引量:3
10卫向阳,孙英民,张军,郭小峰,常超.体肺分流术在治疗肺血减少型先天性心脏病中的应用评价[J].临床外科杂志,2011,19(8):556-557. 被引量:2