

On Investigation of the Current University Students' Own Problems in Employment and Countermeasures
摘要 针对当前大学毕业生就业难的现状,人们更多着眼于外部因素(主要为供需矛盾)来分析原因和采取措施,往往缺乏对大学生内部素养的关注。其实,以大学生综合素养提升为视域,通过考量他们自身存在的诸如独立性、专业技能、就业观念、就业心理、创新能力等问题和现象,多维度解析和反思如何提升大学生自身素养,做好职业生涯规划,及时更新就业观念,扎实提高心理素质,主动强化创业意识等措施不容忽视。此种反思及措施将对大学生成功就业具有重要的现实意义。 For the current difficult employment situation of university graduates,people tend to focus on external factors(between supply and demand) to analyze the reasons for such complex situations and to take measures.In fact,university graduates can enhance their overall quality of the perspective of the contemporary university graduates for their own existence,such as independence,professional skills,employment concepts,employment psychological issues,innovation and the phenomenon of multi-dimensional analysis and reflection.Therefore,the paper proposes how to improve their own quality students,good career planning,job updating the concept,and improve the mental quality initiative to strengthen the sense of undertaking a series of theories and measures.These measures are crucial for successful graduates to achieve smooth employment.
作者 陶新宏
出处 《华北电力大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期128-132,共5页 Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences)
关键词 大学毕业生 自身 就业 措施 graduates own employment measures
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