[目的 ]探讨乏氧细胞放射增敏剂的蛋白酶抑制活性 .[方法 ]用分光光度分析法 .[结果 ]KIN 180 0对猪胰脏硬蛋白水解酶无抑制作用 ,Tx 1835对猪胰脏硬蛋白水解酶的抑制浓度为 7 5 2mmol/L ,Tx 1836为 1 13mmol/L .[结论 ]Tx 1836对猪胰脏硬蛋白水解酶具有较强的抑制作用 ,其抑制作用的大小顺序为Tx 1836 ,Tx 1835 ,KIN 180 0 .
OBJECTIVE To discuss the inhibitive activity of proteinase of hypoxic cell's radiosensitizer. METHODS To use spectrophotometry. RESULTS KIN 1800 had no inhibitive action to the porcine pancreatic elastase. The inhibitive concentration of Tx 1835 to the porcine pancreatic elastase was 7 52mmol/L, and that of Tx 1836 was 1 13mmol/L. CONCLUSION Tx 1836 has strong inhibitive action to the porcine pancreatic elastase , and the order of the inhibitive action was Tx 1836,Tx 1835 and KIN 1800.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University