[背景 ]探讨小儿气管支气管异物的临床特点 .[病例报告 ]对 30例小儿气管支气管异物的临床资料进行了回顾性分析 ,其中汉族 2 0例 ,朝鲜族 10例 ;男 2 1例 ,女 9例 ;3岁以内 2 3例 ,4~ 10岁 7例 ;气管异物 5例 ,右支气管异物 14例 ,左支气管异物 11例 ;异物中花生米最多 ,其次是瓜子 .[讨论 ]小儿气管支气管异物在 3岁以内的婴儿中多见 ,应加强对婴幼儿父母的卫生知识的普及 。
BACKGROUND To investigate the clinical characters of the tracheobronchial foreign body in children . CASE REPROT 30 cases of the tracheobronchial foreign body were retrospectively analyzed. There were 20 cases of Han, 10 of Korean Chinese, 21 of male and 9 of female. 23 cases were under 3 year old and 7 cases were between 4~10 years old. 5 cases of foreign body were in trachea and 14 and 11 cases in right and left bronchus. The most of foreign bodies were the shelled peanut and the second one was melon seeds. DISCUSSION The most of tracheobronchial foreign body take place in children under 3 year old. It is important , therefore, to popularize the knowledge of hygiene and early diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University