人副肠孤病毒(human parechovirus,HPeV)是一种单股正链、无包膜的RNA病毒,属于小RNA病毒科(Picornaviridae)副肠孤病毒属(Parechovirus)。同属于副肠孤病毒属的还有永贝里病毒(Ljungan virus)。
Human parechovirus (HPeV) is single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus in the Parechovirus genus within the large family of Picornaviridae. This genus has been found consisting of 16 types based on the similarities of the capsid protein and of all viral types, types 1 and 3 are closely associated with human disea- ses. Based on the comparison of serologic, molecular and biologic properties with other enteroviruses, echo- virus 22 and 23 were reclassified into the genus Parechovirus family HPeV1 and HPeV2 in 1999. HPeV infec- tions are common in human beings but most cases demonstrate no specific symptoms but only demonstrate mild gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms. However, the infection may occasionally lead to severe, life-threat- ening illness like neonatal sepsis and meningitis in infants. It has been shown that HPeV infections are often ac- quired in early childhood. At present, as a widely known pathogen, the breadth and severity of HPeV infec- tion may be under-estimated by clinicians. There are not much published data describing the severity and fre- quency of human HPeV infections and detection of HPeV infection is not routinely performed in most clinical virologic laboratories. This article reviews the current progress in the research of HPeV and the topics cover vi- rology, epidemiology, clinical significance, and the diagnostics of HPeV.
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases
Human Parechovirus Virology Clinical manifestation Diagnosis