
湖南娄底市城区公园绿地鸟类物种多样性及保护对策 被引量:15

Bird species diversity and related protection measures in urban park green spaces of Loudi City, Hunan Province of China
摘要 城市公园绿地作为城市生态系统的重要自然组成部分,是鸟类及其他动物的重要生境和载体.快速城市化导致城市公园绿地空间格局剧烈变化,公园绿地因在城市中呈斑块状分布而具有许多岛屿栖息地的特性,对鸟类群落产生了明显的影响.为了摸清娄底市城区的鸟类群落组成及物种多样性,为制定鸟类保护措施提供依据,2010年11月至2012年1月采用样带和样方法对城区内7个公园绿地中鸟类物种的分布及其生境进行调查,共记录到鸟类56种,隶属于11目27科.其中留鸟为32种,占57.2%;夏候鸟、冬候鸟各12种,分别占21.4%.东洋界27种,占48.2%;古北界14种,占25.0%;广布种15种,占26.8%.国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类7种,占物种总数的12.5%.娄底市城区公园绿地鸟类群落物种Shannon指数、Pielou指数、G-F指数分别为1.49、0.85、0.62.珠山公园的物种数(42)、Shannon指数(1.41)、G指数(3.46)、F指数(6.12)、G-F指数(0.43)均最高,而月琴山公园的Pielou指数最高(0.92).对娄底市绿地鸟类资源较为贫乏的主要原因进行了分析,并提出了合理的保护建议. Urban park green space is an important physical part of urban ecosystem, and also, the important habitat and carrier for birds and other animals. Rapid urbanization induces the great change in the spatial pattern of urban park green space, while the patched distribution of urban park green space has the habitat features similar to ‘habitat islands’, giving obvious effects on urban avian communities. In order to understand the bird species distribution and species diversity in Loudi City and to provide the basic information for the bird conservation, a line transect method and a quadrat sampling method were adopted to investigate the distribution pattern and species richness of the birds across seven urban parks in the Loudi City from November, 2010 to January, 2012. A total of 56 birds species belonging to 11 orders and 27 families were recorded, among which, there were 32, 12 and 12 species belonging to resident birds, summer migrant birds and winter migrant birds, accounting for 57.2%, 21.4% and 21.4%, respectively. As for the fauna, there were 27, 14, and 15 bird species belonging to oriental species, palaearctic species and widely distributed species, accounting for 48.2%, 25.0% and 26.8%, respectively. A total of 7 species belonging to the second class of the national key protected species were recorded, accounting for 12.5% of the total. The Shannon, Pielou and G-F indices of the bird communities in the urban parks in Loudi City were 1.49, 0.85 and 0.62, respectively. Zhushan Park had the highest species number (42), Shannon index (1.41), G index (3.46), F index (6.12) and G-F index (0.43), and Yueqin Hill Park had the highest Pielou index (0.92). The reasons of the poor bird species in Loudi City were analyzed, and some suggestions for preventing the birds were put forward.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期2333-2338,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 娄底市科技局项目 娄底职业技术学院科研项目(2011ZK007)资助
关键词 公园绿地 鸟类多样性 保护建议 娄底市 park green space bird diversity protection measure Loudi City.
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