
原发性乳房外Paget病组织中钠氢交换子调节因子1和β联蛋白的表达和意义 被引量:1

Expressions of N HERF1 and β-catenin in primary extramammary Paget's disease tissue and their significance
摘要 目的探讨钠氢交换子调节因子1(NHERF1)和β联蛋白在原发性乳房外Paget病组织中的表达及其意义。方法应用免疫组化方法,检测18例原位乳房外Paget病、22例侵袭性乳房外Paget病石蜡组织切片中NHERF1和β联蛋白的表达情况。结果NHERF1在22例侵袭性乳房外Paget病中18例(81.82%)为高表达,18例原位乳房外Paget病中7例(38.89%)高表达,两组差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.78,P〈0.01);β联蛋白在侵袭性乳房外Paget病中有0例胞膜高表达和18例(81.82%)胞质或核高表达,原位乳房外Paget病中分别为6例(33.33%)和8例(44.44%),两组差异均有统计学意义(χ2值分别为8.63和6.08,P值分别〈0.01和〈0.05)。原发性乳房外Paget病组织中NHERF1的表达与B联蛋白胞膜表达呈负相关(ρ=-0.488,P〈0.01),与β联蛋白胞质或核表达呈正相关(ρ=0.623,P〈0.01);β联蛋白胞膜表达与胞质或核表达呈负相关(ρ=-0.572,P〈0.01)。结论乳房外Paget病组织中NHERF1和β联蛋白表达异常,并可能与原发性乳房外Paget病的发生发展及侵袭有关。 Objective To investigate the expressions of Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) and β-catenin in extramammary Paget's disease tissue as well as their significance. Methods Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the protein expressions of NHERF1 and β-catenin in paraffin-embeded tissue samples from 18 patients with in situ and 22 patients with invasive extramammary Paget's disease. Results There was a high expression of NHERF1 protein in 18 (81.82%) invasive and 7 (38.89%) in situ extramammary Paget's disease samples (χ2 = 7.78, P 〈 0.01). Statistical differences were observed in the membrane expression rate and cytoplasmic or nuclear expression rate of β-catenin between invasive and in situ extramammary Paget's disease tissue samples (0 (0/22) vs. 33.33% (6/18), χ2 = 8.63, P 〈 0.01; 81.82% (18/22) vs. 44.44% (8/18),χ2 = 6.08, P 〈 0.05). In extramammary Paget's disease in situ tissue samples, the expression of NHERF1 was negatively correlated with the cytomembrane expression of β-catenin (ρ = -0.488, P 〈 0.01 ), but positively correlated with the cytoplasmic or nuclear expression of β-catenin (ρ = 0.623, P 〈 0.01), and there was a negative correlation between the cytomembrane and cytoplasmic or nuclear expression of β-catenin (ρ = -0.572, P 〈 0.01). Conclusions There is an abnormal expression of NHERF1 and β-catenin in extramammary Paget's disease tissue, which may be associated with the initiation, progression, and invasion of primary extramammary Paget's disease.
出处 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期561-564,共4页 Chinese Journal of Dermatology
基金 2011-2012年度北京协和医学院青年基金
关键词 佩吉特病 乳腺外β连环素 钠氢交换子调节因子1 Paget's disease, extramammary Beta catenin NHERF1
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