
从马克思主义女性主义视角下分析嘉莉的三次“转折” 被引量:2

Carrie’s three “Turning”From the Marxist Feminist View
摘要 马克思主义女性主义关注的是女性受压迫的问题,根据马克思主义的阶级分析的观点,资本主义制度和父权制意识形态造成了对女性的压迫,妇女受压迫的多种根源都离不开私有制,而其中经济因素是关键。马克思主义妇女观指明了妇女争取解放的途径:回到公共的劳动中去。德莱塞塑造的嘉莉妹妹在美国文学史上一直是个颇有争议的人物形象。《嘉莉妹妹》这部小说通过描述女主人公的几次重大人生抉择的故事,探索了资本主义经济制度和男性统治的父权制意识形态给女性所造成的悲剧,揭示出嘉莉的价值取向主要是受经济因素决定的,呼吁推翻资本主义经济制度和父权制世界观,解放女性,从而体现了作者的马克思主义女性主义思想。 The Marxist feminism concerns the issue of women under oppression. That is the oppression from the capitalism system and patriarchy. The root is the private ownership and the key is economy. The Marxism feminist solution is to go back to work. Dreiser' s sister Carrie is a controversial figure in the history of American literature. Though the story of the heroine' s life choices, the tragedy of women that were caused by the capitalistic system and male-domi- nant society. Can'ie' s value orientation is affected by the economic factors so the capitalistic system and patriarchy is criticized. There is idea of women liberation in this work, which shows the writer's Marxism feminist attitude.
作者 荣伟
机构地区 运城学院
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2013年第7期47-50,共4页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 嘉莉妹妹 “三次转折” 经济因素 马克思主义女性主义 "Sister Carrie" "three turning" economic factors Marxist feminism
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