
海面溢油指纹特征参数比值识别与鉴别 被引量:3

Sea oil spill fingerprint diagnostic ratios' recognition and identification research
摘要 以两种燃料油为研究对象,利用GC/MS分析手段和重复性限比较方法,研究了特征参数比值的筛选识别、相对标准偏差对特征比值筛选的影响以及特征参数比值对峰面积积分相对误差的响应关系。结果表明:(1)同种燃料油油指纹鉴定特征参数比值的筛选识别结果随着相对标准偏差的变化而变化。在相对标准偏差不变的情况下,不同种类燃料油筛选识别的特征参数比值也不同。(2)本文研究的燃料油中甲基菲指数特征参数比值(MPI1、MPI2)与碳优势指数(CPI)比值较稳定,用于指纹鉴定选择的优先次序MPI1>MPI2、(C19+C20)/(C19+C20+C21+C22)>CPI,当相对标准偏差为1%时,MPI1、CPI仍然适用于指纹的比对鉴定。(3)选用"同族"特征参数比值进行指纹鉴定时,优先使用峰面积相对较大的特征参数比值,可以有效简化特征参数比值的筛选识别过程,从而进一步完善溢油鉴定的方法和程序。 Based on two kinds of fuel oil as the research object,using GC/MS analysis means and repeatability limit comparative method,this article studies screening and identification of the Diagnostic ratios,the influence of relative standard deviation(RSD) on the Diagnostic ratios and the response relationship of the Diagnostic ratios to the integral relative error of peak area.The results show that:(1) Oil fingerprint identification of the same fuel oil's Diagnostic ratios of screening recognition results change with the RSD varying.When the RSD is in the same situation,the Diagnostic ratios screening recognition ratio of different kinds of fuel oil are also different.(2)In the fuel oil studied in this paper,methyl phenanthrene index Diagnostic ratios(MPI1,MPI2) and carbon predominance index(CPI) is relatively stable.The priority MPI1 MPI2,(C19 + C20) /(C19 + C20 + C21 + C22) CPI is used in fingerprint identification.When the RSD is one percent,MPI1 and CPI are still suitable for fingerprinting identification.(3) As choosing "affinity" Diagnostic ratios for fingerprint identification,firstly,the Diagnostic ratios which has relatively large peak area are used.It can effectively simplify the Diagnostic ratios' screening recognition process.What's more,it can further improve the method and the process of oil spill identification.
作者 孙菲 马启敏
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期538-543,共6页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 海洋溢油污染风险评估及应急响应关键技术集成及应用示范(201205012)
关键词 油指纹鉴定 特征参数比值 重复性限 筛选识别 oil fingerprint identification diagnostic ratios repeatability limit screening and identification
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