
转换成本与用户重复使用意愿研究 被引量:2

A Study on Switching Cost and the User's Reuse Intention
摘要 大量管理研究证明用户满意度对其使用意愿和行为有重大作用,然而管理实践表明满意度对用户重复使用意愿的影响力趋于下降,而转换成本的作用日渐显现。本文采用问卷调查的研究方法,选取调查了337位即时通讯软件用户,并使用SPSS17.0和AMOA18.0对数据进行结构方程分析。结果表明相关经验和在线关怀的作用得到了全面验证,转换成本的影响因素对其影响的效果存在显著差异,且不同的转换成本类型对用户重复使用意愿的作用不同,程序转换成本和关系转换成本的作用显著。 A large number of studies have shown users' satisfaction degree has a significant role on their use intentions and behaviors,while management practices reveal the impact of the satisfaction on the reuse intention tends to decline and the role of switching costs increasingly grow.This paper uses the survey research methods to survey the sample of 337 users of the instant messaging software(IMS) industry and analyzes the data using structural equation model by means of SPSS17 and AMOA18.0.The findings show that the effects of relative experience and online care have been fully validated,the influence factors of switching costs have significant difference in influence effect,and different types of switching costs plays varying roles in reuse intention,of which procedural switching costs and relational switching costs is significant.
作者 林志扬 肖前
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期66-74,共9页 Commercial Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目 项目编号:11YJA630057
关键词 转换成本 重复使用意愿 即时通讯软件 结构方程 switching cost reuse intention instant messaging software structural equation
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