4"The mission of Harvard Business School's Doctoral Programs is to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading business schools and universities" (http://www.hbs.edu/doctoral/programs/index.html).
5"HBS doctoral programs prepare individuals for careers as professors of management. Usually, an MBA is sufficient preparation for individuals planning to work in industry" (http://www.hbs.edu/doctoral/admissions/index.html).
6徐淑英."Contributing to global management knowledge: A case for high quality indigenous research",Asian Pacific Journal of Management, 2004, (21): pp.491-513.
7Yan, Aimin and Gary, Barbara, 1994, "Bargaining Power,Management Control,and Performance in United States-China joint Ventures: a Comparative Case Study",Academy of Manageme nt Journal,3 7 ( 6 ) , pp,1478-1517
8Huber and Glick, Miller,Doty and Sutcliffe 1990.(Organizational Change and Redesign, New York,Oxford University Press)