通过杂交将抗除草剂Liberty的bar基因转移到恢复系 ,培育出 3个抗除草剂恢复系测 6 4 B、明恢 6 3 B和特青 B。与不育系杂交 ,选配出 3个抗除草剂三系杂交组合和 2个抗除草剂两系杂交组合。抗除草剂组合能保持原组合的产量水平 ,苗期喷除草剂可淘汰假杂种。利用这项技术能解决两系、三系或化杀杂交稻在制种过程中出现的纯度问题。
Three Liberty resistant restoring lines (Ce 64 B, Minghui 63 B, and Teqing B) have been developed by transferring the herbicide (Liberty) resistant bar gene into restoring lines via crossing. After crossing them with male sterile lines, three Liberty resistant three line combinations, i.e., Zhenshan 97A/Ce 64 B (B 2F 2 G), Zhenshan 97A/Ce 64 B (B 3F 1 C), and Zhenshan 97A/Minghui 63 B (B 2F 1 B), and two Liberty resistant two line combinations, i.e., Pei'ai 64S/Teqing B (B 1F 2 C) and Pei'ai 64S/Teqing B (B 2F 1 B) have been bred. The newly developed herbicide resistant combinations maintained the yield level of their corresponding original combinations. By spraying herbicide in seedling bed, non true hybrid plants can be eliminated. With this technology, the purity problem during seed production in two line, three line or chemical emasculating hybrid rice breeding system could be solved.
Hybrid Rice