
社会交换视角下佛教慈善组织发展动力机制研究——以台湾佛教慈济基金会为例 被引量:1

Development Motive Mechanism of Buddhist Charity Organizations from the Perspective of Social Exchange——A Case Study of Taiwan Tzu Chi Foundation
摘要 本文以当代华人社会最为成功的慈善团体之一的台湾佛教慈济基金会以下简称:慈济为研究案例,运用社会交换理论研究慈济的发展动力机制,发现社会交换所产生的"合法性机制"和社会需求的变迁是其发展动力机制的核心,"合法性机制"和需求变迁促使慈济不断根据变迁的制度环境进行自我调适以适应社会发展的要求,进而成为台湾民间慈善组织的翘楚。慈济成功的运作模式可以为大陆地区慈善团体的发展提供经验参考。 Based on social exchange theory, this article conducts a case study of the development motive mechanism of Taiwan Tzu Chi Foundation, one of the most successful contemporary Chinese charity organizations. It is found that the "legitimacy mechanism" generated by social exchange and the change of social needs are the core driving forces for its development. The "legitimacy mechanism" and the change of needs promote the group to self- adjust according to the constantly changing institu- tions, in order to adapt to the requirements of social development, thus growing into a leader in Taiwan's non - governmental charitable organizations. The success of the Tzu Chi operating mode provides some inspirations and reference for the development of the mainland charities.
作者 郭玉辉
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2013年第9期61-67,共7页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(11ASH001)
关键词 佛教慈善组织 社会交换理论 动力机制 慈济 组织合法性 Buddhist charitable organizations social exchange theory motive mechanism Tzu organizational legitimacy
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