探讨奇偶数律与脏腑经络的关系 ,以便于更好地推导人体生理病理变化 ,论治未病。如 7数律 ,为少阳之数 ,少阳与厥阴相合 ,实际上内与厥阴肝木有关 ,所以 7数律虽为少阳数 ,实应属厥阴肝体 ;5数律为阳明中土之数 ,阳明与太阴相合 ,实际上内与太阴脾土有关 ,所以 5数律虽为阳明之数 ,实应属太阴脾体 ;3数律为太阳之数 ,太阳为三阳 ,与少阴相合 ,实际上内与少阴肾水有关 ,所以 3数律虽为太阳数 ,实应属少阴肾体。由于肾为月经生殖之本 ,所以 3数律在月经生殖中更有其重要意义。同时对少数反常数律提出了讨论 ,如行经期、经后期、经间排卵期 ,应为“7、5、3”奇数律 ,但偶有出现“4、6”或“2”偶数律时 ,谓之反常 ,经前期 ,应为“2、4、6”偶数律 ,但偶有出现“3、5”或“11”等奇数律时 ,亦谓之反常。
This paper discusses the relation between oddeven numbers and ZangFu and channels. The purpose is to predict the physiological and pathological changes so as to prevent diseases. 7 is the number of Shao Yang, which is associated with Jue Yin, so 7 is related to the liver which is wood in nature and belongs to Jue Yin. 5 is the number of the earth of Yang Ming, which is associated with Tai Yin, so 5 is related to the spleen which is earth in nature and belongs to Tai Yin. 3 is the number of Tai Yang, which is associated with Shao Yin, so 3 is related to the kidney, the water of which belongs to Shao Yin. Since kidney is the origin of menstruation and birth, the number 3 plays a very important role in menstruation and birth. The paper also discusses about some abnormal phenomena of the numbers. In the three periods: menstruation, postmenstrual period and ovulation period, there should appear odd numbers 7, 5 and 3, but occasionally there appear the even numbers 4 and 6 or 2. In premenstrual period, there should appear even numbers, but occasionally there appear odd numbers 3 and 5 or 11. These abnormal phenomena are related to the mutual relationship between yin and yang. If there is not any symptom or sign and if menstrual cycles and birth are normal, they should not be considered diseased conditions.
Journal of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
law of yin-yang and odd-even numbers
zang-fu and channel