
近十年美国无家可归儿童研究综述 被引量:4

Homeless Youth in the U.S.: A Review on Studies in the Last Ten Years
摘要 有关无家可归儿童的议题在美国已经取得丰富的研究成果。本文以近10年来的相关研究文献为基础,对美国无家可归儿童的定义、无家可归儿童的产生原因、无家可归经历对儿童造成的影响以及救助和干预服务等方面的最新成果进行评介,并指出近10年来美国的无家可归儿童研究存在如下局限性:定义的不统一限制了研究结论的推广;对造成无家可归的风险因素缺乏解释和追踪;偏定量研究轻定性研究。 Abundant achievements have been obtained on the topic of homeless youth in the United States. Based on the related studies in the last ten years, this article reviews several research areas including the definition of homeless youth, the causes for homelessness, the impact of homeless experiences on youth and the assistances and interventions to homeless youth. These studies have certain limitations:different definitions limits the generalization of research results;lack of explanation to the contributing factors of homelessness and follow-up studies and lack of qualitative studies.
作者 何芳
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期41-48,共8页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 无家可归儿童 美国 干预 救助 风险 homeless youth United States intervention assistance risk
  • 相关文献


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