

摘要 The data used in the process of knowledge discovery often includes noise and incomplete information. The boundaries of different classes of these data are blur and unobvious. When these data are clustered or classified, we often get the coverings instead of the partitions, and it usually makes our information system insecure. In this paper, optimal partitioning of incomplete data is researched. Firstly, the relationship of set cover and set partition is discussed, and the distance between set cover and set partition is defined. Secondly, the optimal partitioning of given cover is researched by the combing and parting method, acquiring the optimal partition from three different partitions set family is discussed. Finally, the corresponding optimal algorithm is given. The real wireless signals offten contain a lot of noise, and there are many errors in boundaries when these data is clustered based on the tradional method. In our experimant, the proposed method improves correct rate greatly, and the experimental results demonstrate the method's validity. The data used in the process of knowledge discovery often includes noise and incomplete information. The boundaries of different classes of these data are blur and unobvious. When these data are clustered or classified, we often get the coverings instead of the partitions, and it usually makes our information system insecure. In this paper, optimal partitioning of incomplete data is researched. Firstly, the relationship of set cover and set partition is discussed, and the distance between set cover and set partition is defined. Secondly, the optimal partitioning of given cover is researched by the combing and parting method, acquiring the optimal partition from three different partitions set family is discussed. Finally, the corresponding optimal algorithm is given. The real wireless signals offten contain a lot of noise, and there are many errors in boundaries when these data is clustered based on the tradional method. In our experimant, the proposed method improves correct rate greatly, and the experimental results demonstrate the method's validity.
出处 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2013年第4期411-416,共6页 电子科学学刊(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61273302) partially by the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (No. 1208085MF98, 1208085MF94)
关键词 CLUSTERING Incomplete Information PARTITION Data Mining 数据挖掘 信息系统 知识发现 数据集中 集合覆盖 最优算法 无线信号 覆盖物
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