本文通过对柱基群桩周围和桩尖下土层的勘探 ,及对最短的桩做单桩垂直静载荷试验进行的理论分析 ,说明打桩打后 ,由于砂、圆砾层土被加密 ,提高了桩周土摩擦力和桩端土承载力 。
Through the prospecting for the soil-layers around groups of piles and below ends of these piles,and by means of the test for the vertically compressional static load of the shortest pile,the theoretical analysis is conducted in this paper,it indicates that the forces of skin-friction and point-resistance of the density of sand and roun gravel is raised by piling,the bearing capacity and subsiding value of pile foundations can satisfy the design requirement
Fujian Architecture & Construction