文章通过对多年试验资料的统计分析。发现软土固结快剪与快剪指标之间的变化存在着有规律的相关关系。如果在条件下不允许做固结快剪试验时 ,只做快剪试验推算固结快剪的指标。可提高试验进度 。
We have done this subject through statistical analysis to testing information descripted below at this manuscript for many years,We find that there is apregular relation of variation betweer consolidated quick sheer soft soil and quick sheer index.If there is no condition allowed to do consolidated quick sheer testing,We can only do quick sheer testing and extrapolate consolidated quick sheer index instead of,By this method,We can make a greater proceeding to testing and spend a little time only.
Fujian Architecture & Construction