
基于对接试验系统高低温送风工况的温场和流场分析 被引量:1

Analysis about temperature and flow field based on high/low temperature air conditions of docking test system
摘要 为实现空间对接试验系统的地面高低温环境模拟,建立了基于对接试验台不规则空间的数学物理模型,在此基础上进行CFD模拟计算,比较分析不同高低温送风工况下的温场和流场均匀性,对不同的送风工况进行了最优化选择。在结构和材料一定的情况下,影响温场及流场的最主要因素包括送风速度和送风温度,针对不同的流量和温差进行模拟分析和最优化选择,并对低温工况结合实际传热作进一步比较研究。模拟结果显示:送风速度为10 m/s时不规则空间的温场和流场均匀性最优,模拟温度均匀度可控制在2 K以内,压力在±5 Pa之间,与实际传热计算比较显示模型可很好地保证试验真实性,满足该不规则空间的温场和流场均匀性要求和试验环境要求。 In order to achieve the ground high/low temperature environment simulation of docking test system, mathematical and physical model was established based on the irregular space of docking test bench. With CFD simulation was conducted, the uniformity of temperature and flow field in different blast case were compared and analyzed and the optimization was selected. Under the condition of the structure and material were identical, the most important facts which affect the temperature and flow field include the air flow and the air temperature. The simulation analysis and optimization for different blast conditions were made further comparative analysis combined with the actual heat transfer. The results show that the uniform- ity of temperature and flow field is best when the air speed is 10 m/s. The temperature difference can be controlled in less than 2 K, the pressure difference between + 5 Pa, throw comparing with the actual heat transfer. The results also show the model can well ensure the authenticity of the docking test and meet the requirements of uniformity for temperature and flow field in irregular space and the requirements of test envi- ronment.
出处 《低温工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期23-28,共6页 Cryogenics
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(20120073110044)
关键词 对接试验系统 高低温送风工况 送风速度 送风温度 温场和流场均匀性 docking test bench high/low temperature air conditions air speed air temperature uni-formity of temperature and flow field
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