硝化处理效率低是硝化处理工艺的主要问题。硝化过程主要由硝化细菌完成 ,因此硝化作用的效果基本取决于硝化菌体的生长状况。文章通过对硝化细菌生长方式进行探讨 ,提出硝化菌体在载体表面选择附着生长模式 ,对于理解硝化作用与硝化菌体生长的关系 ,硝化菌体生物膜的生物特征 ,从而相应地改善载体的优化设计 ,取得较好的硝化处理效果。
Low nitrification efficiency is the main problem from the process of nitrification. Nitrification is mainly fulfilled by nitrifiers. So the effect of nitrification is generally up to the growth state of nitrifiers. This thesis discusses the living method of nitrifiers, presents the model of selected growth on the surface attached between the carriers and the medium. It will help understand the relationship between the nitrification and the growth of nitrifietrs, biological characteristics of nitrifiers membrane, and optimize the design of the carriers accordingly so as to get better treatmint effect.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology