

The Influence of Critical Period Hypothesis on Foreign Language Teaching for Children
摘要 年龄因素对外语学习的影响一直是学术界讨论的"焦点"问题。20世纪60年代"关键期假说"的诞生吸引了众多语言学家的目光,他们对此也做了许多讨论和实证研究,出现了"语言学习越早越好"的观点。伴随着"关键期假说"的产生、发展及新研究成果的不断问世,出现了赞成派和反对派两个对立的派别,其中以赞成派为主。在关注外语学习年龄问题的同时,也要充分认识到关键期因素并不是制约和影响外语学习的决定性因素。因此,教育工作者应该既重视关键期的积极作用,又不夸大关键期对外语学习的作用。 The influence of age factor on second language acquisition has still been the hottest issue in academic circles. The appearance of Critical Period Hypothesis caught the eyes of all linguistics in the world in 1960s.They did a lot of researches, so "the younger, the better" came into being later. With the hypothesis emergence, development and latest achievement, different schools, supporters and opponents, come into being, especially the supporters. We should pay attention to age factor in foreign language learning, as well as fully recognize the fact that it is not decisive factor for foreign language learning. Therefore, educators ought to attach importance to positive aspects of critical period, and meanwhile avoid exaggerating its influence on foreign language learning.
作者 郑伟红
出处 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期85-87,共3页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology
关键词 关键期假说 二语习得 儿童外语教学 Critical Period Hypothesis second language acquisition foreign language teaching for children
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