

Study of the Improvement of Women Status in the Western Exploitation of America and its Reason
摘要 妇女在早期美国社会中的地位低下。19世纪尤其是南北战争后,美国的西部开发进入高潮阶段。与此同时,西部妇女地位有全方面的提升,涵盖了经济、社会、政治等各个方面。究其原因,首先应归结于妇女在西部开发中的艰苦努力和巨大贡献,在积极参与社会经济活动的同时取得了更大的经济独立性。除此以外,西部男多女少的特殊性、妇女受教育程度的提高、妇女组织和妇女参政权运动等也是妇女地位上升的重要原因。 Women's status in the early American society is rather low.In the 19th century,especially after the Civil War,the western exploitation reached its climax.At the same time,the western women's status was improved,including the economic status,the political status and the social status.Firstly,the improvement should be attributed to the women's great contribution to the western exploitation.As the western women worked hard in the western exploitation,they were more independent.Secondly,there were much more men than women in the west of America at that time,so women was treated with more respect.Thirdly,the women's educational level was improved.Finally,the grassroots women's organizations and the women's rights movement had a positive effect.
作者 张准 罗峰
出处 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第7期60-64,共5页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology
基金 四川省教育厅人文社会科学项目"美国经济崛起关键阶段之社会矛盾研究"(12SB104)
关键词 美国 西部开发 妇女地位 上升 America the Western Exploitation women's status improvement
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