目的 检测尿素—麝香草酚钠镜下喷洒快速诊断幽门螺杆菌 ( Hp)感染的临床可行性 ,旨在寻找一个理想的可视性幽门螺杆菌检测方法 ,以提高幽门螺杆菌的检出率 ,减少或避免活检创伤。方法 对 312例具有非排除条件的接受胃镜检查者 ,在纤维胃镜直视下将尿素 -麝香草酚钠试剂均匀喷洒于胃粘膜表面 ,1min钟内胃粘膜幽门螺杆菌感染区域便可呈蓝色 ,分别在胃窦、胃体喷洒阳性处及阴性处取活检做嗜银染色 ,并记录结果。结果 312例病人中 ,弥漫性蓝染占 81.1% ,局限性蓝染占 11.9% ,仅胃窦蓝染占 2 5.4 % ,仅胃体蓝染占 2 7.1% ,胃窦、胃体均蓝染占 4 7.5% ,以嗜银染色为“金标准”。本方法特异性为 98.9% ,敏感性为 87.9% ,准确性为 98.3% .结论 研究证实了幽门螺杆菌分布区域不均 ,该方法特异性、敏感性、准确性均较高 ,且方法简便、费用低、无创伤 ,病人易于接受。
Objective To explore the clinical implement possibility of Helicobacter pylori infection diapnosis by sprinkle urea-natrithymol under fiberoptic gastroscope.Method To select 312 patients who examinated with gastroscope,sprinkle urea-natrithymol on gastric mucosa,in one minutes,the area where were infected by H.pylori had become blue.Resectively do biopcy of H.pylori-positive and H.pylori-negtive tissues and do silver staining.Result Among 312 patients,81.1% took on the gastricmucosa all blue stained,11.9% local blue stained,25.4% blue stained in gastric antrum,27.1% blue stained in body of stomech,both gastri antrum and body of stomech were 47.5%.Liver staining was regarded as gold standard.Conclusion The study confirms that H.ppylori locally scatters.The method is simple and allurate.[
Acta Academiae Medicinae Weifang
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