本文对40例肺癌患者及80例健康人血清进行恶性肿瘤特异性生长因子(Tumor Specific Grouth Factor TSGF)检测,结果表明,TSGF对肺癌诊断的敏感性为82.5%,特异性为96.2%,诊断正确率为91.7%。分析了造成TSGF检测假阳性的2种情况,并提出了相应的解决办法。认为本方法在肺癌诊断中具有敏感性和特异性高的特点,如果将TSGF检测与患者临床表现以及影像学资料结合起来,并动态观察其变化,可望进一步提高肺癌早期诊断率。
Detecting the tumor spaitic grouth facter(TSGF)in the serums from 40 patieats with lung cancer and 80 normal people. Results:Using TSGF to diagnosis the lung cancer,the sensitivity is 82. 5% ,specificy is 96. 2% ,aecuracy is 91. 7%. Analyze 2 cases false activity and render the method to modify. If combining the clinical presentation and imagology and observing TSGF. the diagnosis accuracy will improve.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice