目的:分析本院近3年应用胸部低剂量CT扫描体检的结果,初步探讨这种方法在胸部体检中的必要性和合理性。方法:对来我院体检行胸部低剂量CT扫描的5 103人的资料进行总结和分析,并对检查异常者进行间隔周期为3、6、12个月的随访观察。结果:5 103名受检者中,共发现包括胸部及周围脏器异常3 280人(其中多人发现不止一种病变),占64.28%。其中胸部病变3 006人,相邻脏器病变520人。结论:胸部低剂量CT扫描不但可以发现肺内病变,对相邻脏器病变的发现或显示也优于其它影像学检查,且与之相互补充和印证,可以作为肺部结节或磨玻璃样密度病变随访观察的对比依据,不失为一种较为安全、合理、可靠、必要的体检方法,符合放射影像检查的正当化原则。
Objective: To analyze thorax low dose CT scan examination results in our hospital in recent three years preliminary and discuss its the necessity and rationality.Methods: Data of 5 103 chest low-dose CT scans was summarized and analyzed,and abnormal patients were observed at an interval of 3 months,6 months and 9 months.Results: Among 5 103 patients,3 280 cases were found abnormal chest and adjacent organs,many of them more than one lesion,accounting for about 64.28%,to be specific,3 006 patients had breast lesions,520 adjacent viscera lesions.Conclusion: Thorax low dose scan can find not only lung lesions,but also adjacent organ lesions,which has a display superior to other imaging examination,complementary and confirmative to each other.This method can also be used as a follow up basis for pulmonary nodule or ground glass density lesions.It is proven to be a safe,reliable and reasonable necessary inspection method.
Modern Medical Journal