
局部注射奥曲肽对DA大鼠类风湿性关节炎的疗效评估 被引量:3

Elevation for the local effect of octreotide injection on rheumatoid arthritis in DA rats
摘要 目的:探讨奥曲肽局部注射对DA大鼠类风湿性关节炎(RA)的疗效。方法:DA大鼠尾根部皮内一次性注射降植烷300μl建立RA模型,成模后连续4周每周1次足底注射奥曲肽0.005 mol.L-1,观察其对DA大鼠RA的疗效。结果:使用奥曲肽后,DA大鼠四肢掌指关节、指间关节以及踝关节红肿减轻,爪容积减小,关节活动度提高,机械缩爪阈值提高。结论:局部注射奥曲肽对DA大鼠RA具有较好的治疗作用,能够不同程度地缓解关节疼痛,改善关节功能。 Objective: To explore the local effect of octreotide on rheumatoid arthritis(RA) in Dark-Agouti(DA) rats.Methods: The study was performed on DA rats.The RA model was established by intracutaneous injection of pristane(300 μl) into the root of the tail.After the success of the RA model,octreotide(0.005 mol.L-1) was injected intraplantarly for four weeks.The curative effect of octreotide on RA was observed.Results: The local injection of octreotide relieved the swelling of the metacarpophalangeal joints,interphalangeal joints and ankles in DA rats,decreased the paw volume,improved the walking disorder,increased range of joint motion,and increased the mechanical withdrawal threshold(MWT).Conclusion: The local injection of octreotide can obtain a remarkable efficacy,relieve the pain and improve the function of the joint.
出处 《现代医学》 2013年第8期539-543,共5页 Modern Medical Journal
基金 西安医学院第一附属医院科研基金资助项目(XYFY-09-11)
关键词 奥曲肽 类风湿性关节炎 DA大鼠 octreotide rheumatoid arthritis DA rats
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