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2Stein HI, Barlow AP, DeMeester T, et al. Complication of gastroesophageal reflux diseade. AnnSurg, 1992,216:35243.
3Castell DO, Complications of gastmesophageal reflux disease in the esophagus. In: Castell DO, Danald D. eds, The esophagus, Boston: Little Brown, 1992. 553.
4Stein HI, Barlow AP, DeMeester T, et al. Complication of gaslroesophageal reflux diseade. AnnSurg, 1992,216:35243.
5Castell DO. Complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease in the esophagus. In: Castell DO, Danald D. eds. The esophagus. Boston: Little Brown, 1992.553
6Stein HJ, Barlow AP, DeMeester T, et al. Complication of gastroesophageal reflux diseade. AnnSurg, 1992 , 216:35243