
环保橡胶填充油生产技术研究进展 被引量:8

Research Progress on Production Technology of Environmental-Friendly Rubber Extender Oil
摘要 介绍了与橡胶油有关的欧盟REACH限制性法规,其中包括PAHs限制指标、检测方法以及国内外检测机构。分析了几种主要类型的环保橡胶填充油及其特点,重点对国内外环保型橡胶填充油生产技术研究进展进行了论述,并对我国环保橡胶填充油发展提出具体建议。 The limits of EU REACH legislation related about rubber extender oil was introduced briefly in the paper, including PAHs limit rule, detection methods and detection agency of the PAHs at home and abroad. Then several main environmen- tal- friendly rubber extender oils and their features, as well as the research progress at home and abroad were analyzed. And some suggestions on the development of environmental - friendly rubber extender oil in our country were put forward.
作者 岳宗豪 于洋
出处 《润滑油》 CAS 2013年第4期1-5,共5页 Lubricating Oil
关键词 多环芳烃 环保 橡胶填充油 生产工艺 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon environmental protection rubber extender oil production process
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