

Block Diagonalization Algorithm of Eliminatin gMultiple Base Stations Time-varying Channel Asynchronous Interference
摘要 由于信道状态信息的时变特性和信道反馈误差的共同影响,使得以前波束成形算法无法完全消除小区间的干扰,特别是异步干扰,从而造成小区边缘用户传输速率和服务质量的下降。针对此问题,通过对信道时变特性的研究和反馈误差统计特性的研究,提出了一种考虑信道时变统计特性的基于块对角化的波束成形方案,此方案在基站端对所发送的信号进行编码,对将要造成的异步干扰进行预消除,从而达到提高小区边缘用户服务质量的效果。仿真结果表明,此方案有效抑制了由信道时变引起的干扰,提高了系统的容量。 Due to the combined impact of combined impact of time-varying characteristics of channel state information and channel feedback error, beamforming algorithm can't completely eliminate the interference between cells, in particu- lar,asynchronons interference, resulting in decline of cell edge user's transmission rate and the service quality. Aiming at this problem,through studying the channel time-varying characteristics and statistical characteristics of the feedback error, this article put forward a kind of beamforming scheme which considers the statistical characteristics of time var- ying channel,and is based on block diagonalization. This scheme on the base station side sends the signal coding to elim- inate the asynchronous interference so as to improve the cell edge user service quality. The simulation results show that this scheme effectively restrains the disturbance caused by the time-varying channel, improves the capacity of the sys- terrL
作者 李素若
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期74-76,共3页 Computer Science
关键词 多小区 有限反馈 多输入多输出 异步干扰 Multi-cell, Limited feedback, MIMO, Asynchronous inferences
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