
基于异构双极信息的模糊查询研究 被引量:1

Study on Fuzzy Query of Heterogeneous Bipolarity Information
摘要 在日常生活中,人们在表达其需求时,常常会对同一事物同时使用正面的描述和负面的描述。由于不要求正、负面的描述必须相互对称,此类具有异构语义的信息被称为异构双极信息。传统信息系统中的模糊查询方法,不能很好地处理用户查询需求中所含有的异构双极信息。基于经典数据库,以在模糊查询中能够处理异构双极信息为目标,将Vague集引入到异构双极信息的建模,给出了一个由独立的满意度和不满意度所组成的异构双极信息查询满意度模型框架,并在此基础上讨论了包含正面、负面信息的异构双极信息查询处理方法。 In daily life, people often give both positive and negative information to state what they desire and what they reject for the same things. Because positive and negative statements do not necessarily mirror each other, this results in so-called heterogeneous bipolar information. The fuzzy query in traditional information systemss does not adequately support the handling of heterogeneous bipolar information. In this paper, based on the regular database, vague set was introduced into the modeling of heterogeneous bipolar information for dealing with heterogeneous bipolar information in fuzzy queries, and a bipolar query satisfaction modelling framework which is based on couples that consist of an inde- pendent degree of satisfaction and degree of dissatisfaction was given, then the processing of heterogeneous bipolar que- ries that contain both positive and negative criteria was also discussed.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期153-156,181,共5页 Computer Science
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(S2012010010438)资助
关键词 经典数据库 异构双极信息 VAGUE集 双极查询满意度 模糊查询 Regular databases, Heterogeneous bipolar information, Vague set, Bipolar query satisfaction degrees, Fuzzyquerying
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