

Selection Methods Based on Block Diagonalization Precoding for Multiuser Multiantenna Cognitive Radio System
摘要 在次用户配置的多天线的认知多天线协作反馈系统中,信道方向信息存在量化误差,现有的用户选择方法不能使次用户系统容量最大化,而且增大了对主用户系统的干扰。为了消除量化误差对主次用户系统的影响,提出了一种基于BD预编码的统计独立系数的用户选择方案。分析和仿真结果表明,所提方案在主用户系统干扰受限的条件下有效提升了次用户系统的容量。 In the users'multiple antenna cognitive multiple antenna cooperation feedback system, the channel direction information has quantization error, thus the existing user selection method will not be able to maximize the second user system capacity, and increase the primary user system interference. In order to eliminate the influence of the quantization error on the primary and secondary user system, this paper put forward a kind of statistical independent factor second users selection method based on the BD precoding. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme ef- fectively enhances the second user system capacity in the primary user system interference limited conditions.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期93-95,共3页 Computer Science
关键词 认知无线电 频谱共享 多输入多输出 广播信道 Cognitive radio Spectrum share MIMO Broadcast channels
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