
云计算敏感数据防泄露技术研究 被引量:10

Practical Control on Sensitive Data Propagation of Cloud Computing
摘要 针对用户在使用云计算时容易导致敏感数据外泄的问题,提出一种防泄露技术来保护用户数据,通过对HTTP消息的检测可检测到用户和云服务之间的数据扩散,截获用户和云计算服务之间的文件传输并进行记录,严格执行数据扩散的预制策略。在文件被上传到云后控制文件的传播,让只有经过授权的用户可以访问。通过在Dropbox等真实云环境的应用和验证,证实了技术的有效性。 A practical mechanism to control the leakage of sensitive data in cloud computing is proposed. Since HTTP offers well-defined methods to transfer files, based on the inspection of HTTP messages, the propagation of data between the enterprise and cloud services could be detected, and the file transmission between users and cloud computing service be intercepted and recorded. Thus the preset policy aiming at the leakage of data should be implemented strictly, and only the authorized users could access the file after it is uploaded to the cloud and its propagation is controlled. The mechanism is proved efficiently by the application and validation in real cloud environments, such as Dropbox.
作者 王志文 王强
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2013年第8期85-87,共3页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 云计算 HTTPS 敏感数据保护 cloud computing HTTPS sensitive data protection
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