According to Guizhou Provincial Health Bureau of World Bank Loan Health Project IV , A continuous survey on the expenditure of rural 3-level healthy departments for 1 year made in two experimental counties, Qingzhen and Fuquan. The results have showed that the expenditure on medical services for an outpatient in County hospital per capita is 17.90 Yuan,the expendituie on medical services for an inpatient in hospital per capita is 723.61 Yuan.Township health centers expenditure of on outpatient medical services per capita is 15.85 Yuan,Township health centers expenditure on inpatient medical services per capita is 321.02 Yuan. Village health posts expenditure of on outpatient medical services per capita is 4.75 Yuan. The proportion drug to the outpatient income is 80.86% on Township a health center, that is higher than the county (66.54%). The peoportion of drug to the inpatient income is 64.56% on Township a health center, that is also higher than the county (41.43% ).This study may provide the suitable references for collecting money in two counties and offer the correlating data to develop CMS.
Chinese Primary Health Care